Gordy's Camera Straps
Accept no substitutes
Client: Gordy’s Camera Straps
Year: 2021
Services: Brand Identity, Print Collateral, Web Design
The king of leather camera straps, Gordy's Camera Straps, was founded in 2005 by Gordy on Whidbey Island, just north of Seattle. Known for their craftsmanship and durability, Gordy’s Camera Straps needed a refreshed brand identity to reflect their legacy and appeal to a broader photography audience. The rebrand involved designing a modern logo, updating packaging, and creating cohesive marketing materials, all while retaining the brand's artisanal roots. The new identity features sleek typography and a refined color palette that emphasizes quality and authenticity. The tagline "Accept no substitutes" is highlighted to reinforce the brand's commitment to excellence. This case study explores the rebranding process, from conceptual development to final rollout, and evaluates its impact on customer loyalty and market expansion. It underscores how the new identity has rejuvenated Gordy's Camera Straps, enhancing its position as a trusted name in the photography community.